Belts, wraps. and straps



Belts can help or hurt your progress depending on when you use them. One of the most popular exercises you see belts used in is deadlifts. And when used as a powerlifter or strongman they are essential in competition. But as a bodybuilder(Anyone trying to work on the way their physique looks) and even strength athletes in certain blocks of the offseason this is wear we do not want to use a belt. The point of a belt is to make you tighter by being able to brace against the belt and feel protected, especially around the spinal erectors and core. Now when we perform a conventional/romanian deadlift our spinal erectors and hamstrings are both prime movers, more in one then the other(conventional=spinal erector dominant, romanian=hamstring dominant). But each assist the other in these lifts. So if we are trying to build a strong back why would we use something that hinders the involvement of the spinal erectors? To do more weight? But if we use more weight with a belt are we really targeting the spinal erectors to their highest ability? Most likely not. Now again this doesn’t go to say that belts don’t have their place. When your doing a exercise that doesn’t involve trying to increase the strength of the spinal erectors but are still a compound like a squat for example, this would be when it’s appropriate to wear a belt. Here your trying to increase the strength in your lower body so you having a more solid core in order to brace better to get more reps is only a benefit. Even in movements that are not compounds but you want a stronger base in your working set are fine to wear a belt during. But like the straps if we don’t need to use it then don’t. We want to strengthen all areas that are weak and using things that assist us to lift more weight may increase our PRs but but it's only because it's assisting a weak area that if worked on directly has the potential to lift the same weight without assistance.

Wrist wraps

Wrist wraps are a tool that can assist with stabilization, but just like the straps should only be used when needed. The earlier sets should be concentrated on performing the exercises with your own stabilization in order to progress in wrist strength.


Straps are a great tool when it comes to training. But they should be used wisely. If your grip strength is giving before the area you’re trying to target then this would be a time to wear straps. But in your earlier sets which are lighter it’s good to try and work on your grip strength by performing the exercise without straps, but the moment you feel your grip giving before the actual targeted area its time to use straps. If not you can only push yourself as far as your grip strength will take you, not the area your trying to target.

“you can have results or excuses, not both”


Joseph Patch